by Terry Keep | Jun 30, 2020 | Tips & Tricks
As the good weather has turned up, the drinks come out and invariably get spilt over electronics that may not be grateful for such hospitality ! I get a number of laptops in where this has occurred and the majority of clients have panicked, looked on the internet for...
by Terry Keep | Jun 20, 2020 | General
Where do you keep all your passwords ? I have a little book that I keep with me… I have a file on the computer with them all in… I only have a couple of passwords that I use, so I can remember them…. I write them down on post-it notes and stuck them to the screen…....
by Terry Keep | Jun 20, 2020 | General
It’s generally taken for granted that the mains power that comes into your property just works and is right, however, it’s not that simple and is one of the common causes for hardware failures in PCs and their associated components. Unfortunately, the mains power is...
by Terry Keep | Jun 20, 2020 | General
Have you had calls from ‘Microsoft’ or maybe HP or Dell telling you that your computer has faults and is sending error codes to them? They then offer to fix the problems for you. All you have to do is download their remote support software and then they will be able...
by Terry Keep | Jun 20, 2020 | General
Have you ever received an email that says it is from a hacker who has installed a ‘Trojan’ onto your computer and that they been watching you through the camera and seen you have been on porn websites etc. Then they say ‘just for x hundred bitcoins I...